6. Political Science

Momentum for development of Political Science at the Women University Swabi can be traced to the establishment of the Department of Political Science in year 2014. Political Science basically deals with the various political, social and cultural arrangements through which people govern their lives. It attempts to interpret the past and explain the present and often dares to draw images of the future. As a field of study, it reaches to many levels from the evolution of political philosophy and the character of contemporary political concepts to the problems of development in emerging nations, from the crisis of governance in Pakistan to the interaction of State, Society and System in the international arena.Political scientists explore the concerns and issues that animate public life. Using both humanistic and scientific approaches, they study how political communities attempt to reconcile the claims of justice, power liberty, and authority. The political science is a broad based discipline and has direct connection with history, economic, geography, sociology, philosophy and law. It also shares the traditional aims of liberal arts education while attempting to come to grips with the major public issues of contemporary world. Students will find courses on the ideas of great thinkers from Plato to the present , the problems of cities, war and peace, democracy and authoritarian political system, international politics and economy, human rights, women and politics, Pakistan politics, and foreign policy and other regions.


To establish and strengthen relationship of the department with her counterparts in advanced countries.
To bring syllabus of the department at par with those of the developed nations.
To carve out the discipline in such a manner that can facilitate the establishment of more departments.


To provide for young, responsible and energetic leadership for induction to the different levels of elected institutions;
To ensure transformation of the political culture of Pakistan through the encouragement of Public-spirited, honest and patriotic leadership.
To encourage the induction of such leadership who can ensure decency and fairness in the political processes of the country;

Program Offered:

  • BS (Political Science)
  • Duration: 04 Years (08 Semesters)
  • MA (Political Science)
  • Duration: 02 Years (04 Semesters)
  • M.Phil (Political Science)
  • Duration:02 Years (04 Semesters)
  • AD (Political Science)
  • Duration:

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Faculty Members

Dr. Ashfaq Rehman


Associate Professor

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Degree: PhD in Political Science

Dr. Saima Parveen

Assistant Professor

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Qualification: PHD Political Science

Dr. Aasia Khatoon

Assistant Professor

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Qualification: PhD (Political Science)

Ms. Ayesha Nayab


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Qualification: MPhil (Political Sciences)

Ms. Saiqa Bibi


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Qualification: MPhil Political Science

Ms. Sakeena


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Qualification: MPhil (Political Science)

Ms. Muneeba Shahid


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Qualification: MPhil (Political Science)

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