Chancellor Message

Education and research act as a scaffold for the uplift and progress of nations. We, as nation, need to produce research driven universities with commitment to excellence in research and education. The Women University, Swabi is determined to achieve the mission of research driven University, while producing female scholars with ethical and moral values, who are well equipped to provide solutions to the real-life problems.

Pakistan is now among the leading countries, where women education is considered of prime importance for socio-economic development. Women University, Swabi is maneuvering to develop itself into a leading higher education institute and is committed to educate and endow the female students with the latest knowledge and skills, besides a vision to transform into responsible citizens of the nation.

The University has envisaged the creation of better human being., with roots embedded in innovative research, strong academic background and civic sense. As an integral part of this enterprise, Women University, Swabi holds unique position in the pursuit of disseminations of knowledge formation and cultivation of cognitive skills of students.

I hope that the University would make all necessary endeavors to achieve academic excellence in all fields along with the moral and ethical development of its student community and wish that it succeeds in all its future pursuits and leads the nation for the betterment of humanity.

Women University Swabi  Chancellor Message

Faisal Karim Kundi

Chancellor, Women University Swabi

Governor Khyber Pakhtunkhwa .

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